Donnerstag, 25. März 2010

DOs & DON'Ts


Dude, that thing you're doing with your hand? Totally digging it. And I love the fact that you've found something more original to do with your hands than vogueing and the plain old "I'm gonna beat the crap out of that motherfucking air" routine. It's so great, you should actually go on a pedestal so that everybody in the room can see it. Oh, wait.


I was about to post this as a DO and say something like "Pants are only ever tight enough if you can't even moon in them", but where's the fun in that? Seriously, if it was the only way I could adequately stick my ass out to people who have earned it (and yes, I'm aware of the homoerotic ambiquity in that), I'd even go partying in diapers.

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